Sunday, June 17, 2012

Go skiing

Number 6 on my illustrated bucket list. Skiing is exactly the sort of thing I'd be really bad at, but I'd love to go. Mostly to sit in the chalet on top of the snowy mountain drinking red wine in front of the fire...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Own a pet

I love animals, I love cats. Sadly I live in an apartment and I'm allergic to cats. Someone really needs to find a cure for allergies. So this is a tricky one, it will probably have to wait for one day when I own a house (also on the list)

Hablo Español

Another one to tick off. Two years ago I went to South-America and fell in love with the place. Since then I've been trying to learn to speak Spanish. To be honest though while I was in South-America I was a little too pre-occupied with drinking beer and the hot latino's to really focus on learning a language so true to my hap hazard nature I only really started learning Spanish once I was back in South-Africa. And it's not easy, but I love it. How do you know if you're fluent? well I remember when I lived in Holland waking up one morning and realising that I'd just dreamt in Dutch and that I was thinking in Dutch. I'm Afrikaans so it was relatively easy to get to that point. But that must count as fluent. I don't know if I'll ever get there with Spanish, perhaps if move to a Spanish speaking country? Maybe I should put that on my bucket list as well. Live in Spanish speaking country. I think it's going on.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Number 2 and 3 on my list.

Two more bucket list lilies, I want to have really long hair and I want to run 21km. Both of these are within my reach. If you told me a year ago that I'd be running almost every day and looking forward to running my first half marathon I'd have sincerely questioned your sanity. For me running was something you did when someone or something was chasing you and your life was in danger,but since last year November I've become somewhat addicted to running. Who would've thought. I love it. Running downhill makes me feel like a kid and I can indulge my sugar habit virtually guilt free, because I can just run it off again. Good things. So I'm running my first 21km in July. The Knysna half, hope it goes well, if it does I might have to make a new entry on the list, run a marathon, but one thing at a time. As for the hair, I've always wanted long hair, since I was a kid and my mom insisted on giving me a pudding bowl hair cut whilst I envied my friends pretty long hair. Well my mother isn't in charge of my hair anymore, thank goodness. But I still have never really had very long hair. My hair is fine and damages easily, so to get it long without looking like a witch caught in a storm is somewhat of a challenge, but with the help of some expensive products, I'm getting there, slowly but surely...