Monday, February 27, 2012

Profile pic

Here's my new profile pic. I had to supply one for a new illustration agency I'm joining called Zulu's can draw. (No I'm not Zulu I know and they know.)

Sadly on Saturday when I did this profile pic I had big hair. So the hair had to go in the picture, it's only fair. This sometimes happen, you see I have curly hair, mostly it knows its place and let gravity do its thing, but every now and then it goes all country and western on me just to prove a point.

I also had to provide two truths and a lie about myself to go into my profile. Mine were
1. I once slid down a volcano on my bum
2. I'm a really good singer.
3. I've had a kitten stuck in my hair.

Can you guess which is the lie?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

El Alquimista

The Booklounge in Roeland is hosting a silent art auction for Picador, and the proceeds are going to a lucky school to help stock their library. The illustration had to be in black and white and the theme is the art of the book. So I drew Santiago the little shepherd from one of my favourite books, The Alchemist. I recently finished reading it again, but this time in Spanish. Before you are overly impressed let me add that it took me about 5 months! But I did enjoy reading it in Spanish, and it seems appropriate seeing as the shepherd in the story is from Andalucia, Spain. If you haven't read it yet, do. It's all about listening to your heart.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So my New Years resolution of being a more regular blogger hasn't been going so well. Apologies. It's been a busy year so far and it's not going to get any better any time soon. But here are some illies I did in December for a book on numerology. And I'll make a slightly used, not quite New Years resolution to try and prioritise nice illustration work and find time for it in amongst the busyness.